Computer Graphics

8th International School for Computer Science Researchers
Lipari Island, June 30, 1996 - July 13, 1996

Under the auspices of
A.I.L.A - Associazione Italiana Logica ed Applicazioni
E.A.A.C.S.S - European American Advanced Computer Science Schools consortium
E.A.C.S.L. - European Association for Computer Science Logic

The 8th School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. students and young researchers who want to get exposed to the forefront of research activity in the field of Computer Graphics.


Augumented Reality for Visualization
Prof.Steven K. Feiner, Columbia University
Content:Augumented Reality for Visualization
Introduction to Splined Curves and Surfaces
Prof.Brian A. Barsky, UC Berkeley
Content:Introduction to Splined Curves and Surfaces
Methods in Computer Graphic Modeling
Prof.Kenton F. Musgrave, G. Washington University
Content:Methods in Computer Graphic Modeling
Phisically Based Modeling
Prof.Andy Witkin, Carnegie Mellon University
Content:Phisically Based Modeling
Procedural Methods in Texturing and Animation
Prof.Ken Perlin, New York University
Content:Procedural Methods in Texturing and Animation
Splined Curves and Surface Using Polar Forms
Prof.Leonidas J. Guibas, Stanford University
Content:Splined Curves and Surface Using Polar Forms
