Foundations of Logic Programming

4th International School for Computer Science Researchers
Acireale, Italy, June 22, 1992 - July 04, 1992

Under the auspices of
A.I.L.A - Associazione Italiana Logica ed Applicazioni

The 4th School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. students and young researchers who want to get exposed to the forefront of research activity in the field of Foundations of Logic Programming.


A framework for comparing different notions of negation
Prof.J. Schlipf, Cicinnati University
Content:A framework for comparing different notions of negation
Analysis, transformation and semantics of constraint logic programming
Prof.M.J. Maher, IBM Watson Labs, Yorktown Heights
Content:Analysis, transformation and semantics of constraint logic programming
Correctess of Logic, Prolog and CLP programs
Prof.K. Apt, CWI, Amsterdam
Content:Correctess of Logic, Prolog and CLP programs
Formal bases for program analysis and optimozation
Prof.S. Debray, University of Arizona
Content:Formal bases for program analysis and optimozation
Higher-order logic programming and linear logic
Prof.D. Miller, Pennsylvania University
Content:Higher-order logic programming and linear logic
Semantic of Concurrent Logic Programming
Prof.C. Palamidessi, Pisa University
Content:Semantic of Concurrent Logic Programming
