Algorithm and Complexity

2nd International School for Computer Science Researchers
Acireale, Italy, June 18, 1990 - June 30, 1990

Under the auspices of
A.I.L.A - Associazione Italiana Logica ed Applicazioni

The 2nd School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. students and young researchers who want to get exposed to the forefront of research activity in the field of Algorithm and Complexity.


Circuit Complexity
Prof.M. Sipser, MIT
Content:Circuit Complexity
Computational Geometry
Prof.F. Preparata, Illinois Argonne Labs
Content:Computational Geometry
Prof.S. Micali, MIT
Introduction to Complexity Theory
Prof.J. Hartmanis, Cornell University
Content:Introduction to Complexity Theory
Randomized Algorithms
Prof.M. Rabin, Harvard and Jerusalem University
Content:Randomized Algorithms
Robotic Algorithms
Prof.J.T. Schwartz, New York University
Content:Robotic Algorithms
