Computational Logic and Automated Reasonig

1st International School for Computer Science Researchers
Acireale, Italy, November 20, 1989 - December 09, 1989

Under the auspices of
A.I.L.A - Associazione Italiana Logica ed Applicazioni

The 1st School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. students and young researchers who want to get exposed to the forefront of research activity in the field of Computational Logic and Automated Reasonig.


Automated reasoning
Prof.W. McCune, Argonne National Laboratories
Content:Automated reasoning
Boolean complexity and refinements
Prof.D. Mundici, Milano University
Content:Boolean complexity and refinements
Computable set theory
Prof.D. Cantone, New York University
Content:Computable set theory
Computational complexity of logical theories
Prof.Egon Borger, Pisa University
Content:Computational complexity of logical theories
Decidable and undecidable theories
Prof.A. Macintyre, Oxford University
Content:Decidable and undecidable theories
Logic programming theory and practice
Prof.R. Sigal, Yale University
Content:Logic programming theory and practice
